Magnificently Malonian | home |
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Like many of you, I view Michael Malone as a master storyteller. He has enthralled so many of us with his stories--be they stories he has told through his novels or through his work in daytime TV. I went through the links on various sites on authors, and various soap boards, and never came across a site like this one--a site that acknowledges just how much his stories have meant to so many people. So, I decided to try and do something about that oversight--thus this modest little website. |
I am a self admitted novice when it comes to building a website, but I'm learning. I look forward to adding more to the site as time permits (and as I slowly, but surely, increase my webpage building saavy). I hope that you'll drop by often. |
I couldn't wrap this up without thanking a few people. So, allow me to do that now... |
Snark, thanks for the encouragement, advice, and suggestions. You've been a big help. |
OTWB, thanks for putting me in touch with so many fellow Malone fans. Your willingness to do so helped me out immensely. |
Anna, my "pal", thank you so much for the "cheers", the emails encouraging me to "just do it", and for your friendship. It means alot. |
Timothy Owens, for lending your web expertise, you will always have my gratitude. |
And a "thank you" to Michael Malone- for telling such wonderful stories, and for your generosity of time. |
Awards this site has received: |